Synchronized Healing System®

"Susan...These symbols love you, they know you, they chose you, they feel guarded by you, protected and at peace with you. They are your children from many other lifetimes and they are resting and at peace knowing that they have been actualized and have become alive in this realm through you."  
Intuitive Reader, Mary Dusina

"Integrating the Synchronized Healing System® into my life has made all the difference in my healing practice. The "new" energies assist in connecting quickly and intensely to Source and provides me with helpful insights whether working on myself or my clients..." 
Reverend Donna Bragg; Usui Reiki Master

"I am in the presence of a Master! I can only be in gratitude for the gifts bestowed upon me. It is with great responsibility that I use these symbols to heal myself, and all that I come in contact with. Much Love and Respect,
Robert Wagner, Reiki Practitioner and Photographer


"If you would like to increase your frequency and vibrations, these symbols are the way to do it!" 
Christina Godfrey, Reiki Practitioner


The Symbols Susan used on me during my sessions have already increased my real time energy, allowing better sleep, and the restarting of dream memory, which had been gone these several decades but now returning, along with the sensation in my feet; and and and.. it's not about the release of demons so much as letting the angels in. Thanks, Susan. 
Mike Whitney, singer-songwriter-performer

I am not a spiritual master or any type of healing professional, but the impact Susan's session had on my spirit is profound & humbling! First of all, it was a distance session, but our experiences were so accurate in the way they matched, that it blew me away. The session not only helped with my health, but also in finally finding my life's purpose in a way that I am very grateful to her and the work she does. It feels like all the puzzle pieces of my collective lives have come together and I am operating at a higher vibration! Thank you Susan!
Asha, Texas


Although Reiki is generally thought of as a technique to help people relax and deal with stress, it was its physical healing properties that initially drew me to it. Susan was referred to me by a mutual friend. I was fortunate to have several sessions with her to address my back pain. I quickly learned that Susan is not only skilled in energy work, but she uses several energetic healing modalities. My time with her proved to be both a physical and spiritual healing. As a result of my experience, I decided to obtain Reiki I and Reiki II certification from her as a means to continue the healing process that she began with me. She is an excellent practitioner, teacher, and spiritual support system, and I am forever grateful.

Cheryl A. Bravo, LCSW and Reiki Practitioner


In the years of receiving energy work from Susan, I have overcome so many obstacles. Her intuitive nature and connected source, still after many, many sessions, amazes me and ALWAYS clarifies my truth. Self discovery has been a major part of my life, and through her sessions, I have found an immense amount of peace, discovery, guidance and understanding. Thanks for always shooting it to me straight and for your willingness to serve as light and love in this world.

With Love... Whitney Hyde, Reiki Master


Susan is an amazing Reiki Master/Healer. She picks up on things and is able to help give guidance on healing. She is a wonderful person and soooo knowledgeable. I would totally recommend her for your next session.

April Bell, Reiki Master/Yoga Instructor


Susan possesses many incredible gifts.  Her ability to articulate what is happening around me and others in my sphere has helped me immensely.  During these challenging and unprecedented times of uncertainty, Susan’s sessions and readings have provided me with balance, insight, understanding and perspective as I encounter the spectrum of changes to both my business and personal life.

Adorna Carroll